As the warm weather rolled in this month, I jumped at the chance to pull out my summer
clothes that have been stored away for what felt like a year! Bring on the sun, water and long summer days!
But there I was, standing in front of the mirror, very unsuccessfully, trying to pull my jean capris over my thighs. Ok...odd. Let's try the shorts then. Oh, I got them on...after yanking them and contorting my body for 10 mins...but those suckers weren't buttoning up.
What the?!
I get the dirty look you're throwing my way. I'm a personal trainer, what the frick do I know about body issues, right?
Well surprise, just about anyone who's ever walked this Earth has negative thoughts or feelings about their bodies, trainers included.
I have had many body confidence issues through the years ranging from too skinny, too jiggly and too muscular. It sucks! I'm a trainer and I do know better than to let some stupid, man-made version of what I "should" look like power the way I feel about myself....but I'm human too. And a woman. And emotional. I feel too!
My body has played a multitude of sports, carried me through healthy and unhealthy phases and has grown a human. And through all that it has changed. I've spent the last five years building a strong body. One that I feel good in and that is capable of strength and endurance but that training is why I'm struggling to fit in my clothes now. I've created muscle and that has shaped my body differently...it's not as conventional as the clothing is. My thighs are too muscular now.
I spent (aka wasted) about 20 minutes defeating myself that day over those clothes and my body. But then I remembered, I Feel good most days. I can Do more than I ever could and Run longer than I ever have. I am ten times healthier than I was a few years ago. Why in the F do I need to care if my the label size on my clothes changes?

It's been a long road to get to a mental place where I can appreciate my body in it's present state and it's been hard. But it's worth it and we are all capable.
For the first time in my adult life, I own and wear shorts. I got rid of the clothes that no
longer fit and found confidence in new clothes that I never thought I would wear. This almost 36 year old is wearing damn shorts this summer and these strong thighs are going to take me on some great adventures!!
What issues do you struggle with? Are you ready to shed them and find your confidence?