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Client Spotlight: Kameel

Lisa Kelly

Have a break from me telling you how fitness can work for you no matter your lifestyle and hear it from a client instead!

Meet Kameel - She's a busy professional, mom of a giant fur baby (Hi Grommet!) and planning a wedding. Kameel has been a part of the Refire tribe from early on and I've had such a blast building her workouts and coaching her through kickboxing (she's got one mean Roundhouse kick!). Her energy is awesome and she's always willing to push herself just a little bit extra because she knows how badass it is to feel strong!

Kameel: "Where do I even begin with my experience with Lisa?

When Refire started to offer kickboxing I immediately signed up. I felt like this would be a great way to move my body again after taking a few months off and get a bit of exercise in.

I feel like it became so much more than that – it was a way for me to decompress and let the past weeks’ frustrations melt away. It became a part of my self-care and I found it very cathartic.

I felt lighter and clear minded after leaving my kickboxing sessions with Lisa. I enjoyed how much she encouraged me to keep going, but never felt like it was to the point where my body could not handle it. I was surprised at how my body responded to all of the combinations and she made kickboxing SO FUN. We laughed off mistakes and I genuinely enjoyed my time with her, oftentimes leaving and looking forward to the next session.

I also registered for her online personal training. I needed help with staying consistent with a workout routine and I thought Lisa would be the perfect person to be accountable to.

I struggled with working out at home during the pandemic because I had gotten so used to my routine at the gym, so I just stopped exercising. I didn’t realize how much of a toll that had on my mental health.

Lisa helped me get back on track and provided me with workout routines that I genuinely enjoyed doing (except for walkouts – they will forever be my nemesis!!).

One of my favourite things about Refire is that training plan is catered to you and your lifestyle, which is why her personal training is so unique. She understands that we are all human – life happens and that some days we just don’t feel up to the task. Just never skip twice in a row!!

I also love that Refire Fitness doesn’t just focus on exercise, but she takes the time to learn about your H20 intake and eating habits. One of the biggest changes I have noticed while working with Lisa is my increase in water intake – I find it’s become second nature to always have a water bottle beside me because this was embedded in my training plan. It felt like a challenge to keep my water intake streak going!

I feel like I could go on and on about all the habits Lisa has helped me create. From meal inspiration, exercising, and H20 intake, to knowing that it’s okay when you have a bad day to just veg out.

I feel very fortunate to have connected with Lisa. She is understanding, patient, and encouraging as f**k! GET STARTED NOW!

You will absolutely love your experience with her!! The Refire app is easily accessible, adaptable, and you get the best cheerleader on your team!."

Do you want to share your story? Are you ready to start making progress? Reach out!


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