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  • Lisa Kelly

Fun Ways to Sneak in Extra Movement Throughout Your Day

It’s true, moving just 30 minutes a day can work wonders for our sleep, physical health, and mental well-being. But, in reality, finding time for a full workout every day isn’t always doable. That’s where the magic of “movement minutes” comes in. Instead of stressing over gym time, you can discover some fun and practical ways to sprinkle movement throughout our day.

Here are some ways to get more movement into your everyday life:

Adding Movement in the Morning I prefer morning workouts since it’s the least distracting time of my day, but even if I can’t get a workout in, I like to start my day focused on moving my body. Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day, so why not start with a little motion? Even if you’re not a morning workout person, you can still sneak in some activity.

  • Quick Stretch: As you get out of bed, take a few minutes to stretch. This is a fantastic way to wake up your body.

  • Squats as You Brush Your Teeth: You’re standing to brush your teeth for a couple of minutes so add in some squats while you do it!

Adding Movement on Your Commute

It takes more thinking, but you can sprinkle movement into your daily commute…

  • Opt to Not Drive: If you can, why not ditch the car and walk or bike? You’ll get a great physical workout and it can help your mental health too.

  • Stand on Public Transit: If you’re able too, stand when you’re on public transit instead of sitting for the whole ride.

  • Park Farther Away: Choose a parking spot at the far end of the lot to add extra steps to your day.

Adding Movement at Work Some jobs are more physical than others but despite what your work looks like, you can always add movement:

  • Stand for Calls: Whenever you’re on the phone, use it as a chance to stand up or walk around.

  • Standing Desk: Use a standing desk to change up your position throughout the day

  • Set a Timer to Stand or Stretch: They had apps for that too!

  • Lunch Break Workout: Use your lunch break to do a mini workout or even just walk outside.

  • Take the Stairs: Always opt for the stairs – this adds a ton of movement.

Adding Movement at Home Break the habit of heading straight for the couch!

  • Move While You Cook: Use music while you cook for some dance breaks and extra steps.

  • Cleaning Cardio: I love cleaning with music on – for some reason I move more and faster!

  • Treadmill TV: You can watch tv and move – I like to watch shows while walking on the treadmill. You can do this on a stationary bike as well!

These are just some ideas to get you going – the choice of how you get more daily movement is up to you! This doesn’t mean you can’t still fall into your couch at the end of your day and enjoy rest…you can, as long you’ve been mindful about your movement all day long!

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