Refire is all about spark, fire and action – but I’ve always been a believer that there’s room for in-between too.

So one of my favourite concepts, that doesn’t get nearly enough airtime in the health and fitness world, is body neutrality (I like to call it the MEH phase…it’s catchier don’t you think?!).
You’ve probably seen the extremes—ads pushing us to be a certain size or, on the flip side, messages urging us to love every inch of our bodies.
But what if you’re somewhere in the middle?
What if you’re just... MEH about it all?
Guess what?
That’s perfectly okay, and you’re in good company!
You’re part of the Meh club if like us, you look in the mirror and think, “Eh, it’s fine, but I wouldn’t mind some changes.” This is the essence of body neutrality—acknowledging your body without attaching extreme emotions to it.
Body neutrality is about recognizing and respecting your body for what it does, not just how it looks. It’s understanding that your worth isn’t tied to your appearance.
And I think the Meh phase is a good one because unlike hating your body or claiming unconditional love for your body, it’s not an extreme…it doesn’t send you into a tailspin or onto a cycle changing emotions. It’s just…well, Meh.
Here are a few ways I’ve seen this concept actually help clients:
It Helped Their Mental Health: Body neutrality can reduce the stress and anxiety that come with trying to meet societal beauty standards. A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that people practicing body neutrality experienced lower levels of body dissatisfaction and higher levels of overall well-being.
It Improved Their Relationship with Exercise: When you focus on what your body can do rather than how it looks, you’re more likely to engage in physical activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good, rather than punishing yourself with grueling workouts.
It Helped Them Adopt Better Eating Habits: Embracing body neutrality can lead to more mindful eating. Instead of obsessing over every calorie, you start to listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, leading to a healthier relationship with food.
The MEH Club Is a Good Place to Be: Remember, being MEH about your body doesn’t mean you’re complacent; it means you’re accepting where you are while still striving for improvement. It’s a balanced, realistic approach that can lead to long-term satisfaction and health.
So, next time you find yourself feeling just okay about your body, know that it’s a valid and healthy place to be. You don’t have to be in love with every part of yourself to be worthy, and you don’t have to hate your body to want to make changes.
Embrace the MEH with me, set your goals, and keep moving forward!
If you liked this read, check out this one about changing your body by changing your negative self talk!
Want one on one coaching? Reach out today!
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